Terms and Conditions Instagram Giveaway Skip to content


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Terms and Conditions Instagram Giveaway

Terms and conditions for the competition

The following terms and conditions apply to the competition from the xth to the xth 2023.


Persons residing in Germany, Austria and all countries to which we offer shipping are eligible to participate. Participation takes place via Instagram. The winner will be randomly drawn.


The organizer (paigh) is not liable in any way for direct or indirect damages resulting from participation in the competition or the inaccessibility of the Internet server, unless these are due to grossly negligent or intentional actions on the part of the organizers is represented. The users always undertake to behave in accordance with the law and the organizer is not liable for any legal violations by the users.

data protection

If personal data from participants is collected as part of the competition, these will be collected, processed and used by the organizer exclusively for the purpose of carrying out the competition and will then be deleted.

Exclusion of cash payment

A cash payment of the winnings is excluded.

Exclusion of legal recourse

Legal recourse is excluded.


Should individual provisions of these terms and conditions of participation be or become invalid, this will not affect the legal validity of the remaining terms and conditions of participation. It will be replaced by an appropriate regulation that most closely corresponds to the purpose of the invalid provisions.