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The hippie trousers – your airy companion

Are you looking for comfortable and stylish clothing? Let our colorful hippie pants brighten up your summer!

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The hippie trousers – your airy companion

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Frontalansicht der türkisen Haremshose mit weißem ElefantenmusterStehende Frau kombiniert die Türkise Haremshose mit einem weißen Top
Harem Pants Turquoise Elephant
+3 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der gemusterten Haremshose in TürkistonenJunge Frau trägt gemusterte Haremshose in Türkistonen
Harem Pants Heavenly ornaments
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der gemusterten Haremshose in dunklen TürkistönenLächelnde Frau in der gemusterten Haremshose in dunklen Türkistönen, kombiniert mit gestricktem Top
Harem Pants Turquoise Mandala
+3 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONFrontalansicht der langen Haremshose in OliveSeitenansicht der langen Haremshose mit blau-schwarzem Muster
Harem Pants Olive Long Version
+4 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der schwarzen Haremshose mit bunten PfauenaugenSitzende Frau in der schwarzen Haremshose mit bunten Pfauenaugen kombiniert mit roter Strickjacke
Harem Pants Black Peacock Eye
Sale price47,99 €
SHORT VERSIONFrau in grün-blau gemusterter Haremshose Ozean Ornamente Short Version von vorneGrün-blau gemusterte Haremshose Ozean Ornamente Short Version von vorne close-up
Harem Pants Ocean Ornaments Short Version
+3 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Stehendes Model trägt eine gemusterte Haremshose in den Farben Rosa und BlauLächelnde Frau trägt eine gemusterte Haremshose in den Farben Rosa und Blau, kombiniert mit weißem Oberteil
Harem Pants Aquarelle Mandala
+6 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der Haremshose in gemusterten RottönenFrau am Strand kombiniert Haremshose in gemusterten Rottönen mit weißem Crop-Top
Harem Pants Oriental Volcano
+5 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONHarem Pants Old Rose Long VersionHarem Pants Old Rose Long Version
Harem Pants Old Rose Long Version
+4 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Harem pants rose blossom blackHarem pants rose blossom black
Harem pants rose blossom black Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONLächelnde Frau trägt schwarze Haremshose mit schwarzem TopRückansicht der langen Haremshose mit schwarzem Elefantenmuster
Harem Pants Black Elephant Long Version
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der gemusterten Haremshose in dunklen FarbtönenLachende Frau in der gemusterten Haremshose in dunklen Farbtönen, kombiniert mit weißem Oberteil
Harem Pants Midnight Dream
+7 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der gemusterten Haremshose in BlautönenLachende Frau in der gemusterten Haremshose in Blautönen, kombiniert mit einem hellblauen Oberteil
Harem Pants Nightly Dream Dance
+3 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der bunt gemusterten Haremshose in der lilanen FarbtönenLächelnde Frau trägt eine bunt gemusterte Haremshose in lilanen Farbtönen
Harem Pants Purple Lotus Flower
+3 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Forderansicht Haremshose Orientalische Nacht Lachende Frau in Haremshose Orientalische Nacht, kombiniert mit weißem Oberteil
Harem Pants Oriental Night
+5 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONFrontalansicht der langen Haremshose in grün-blauem MusterSeitenansicht der langen Haremshose in grün-blauem Muster
Harem Pants Oriental Sea Long Version
+3 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der gemusterten Haremshose in den dunklen und goldenen FarbenLachende Frau in der gemusterter Haremshose in den dunklen und goldenen Farben, kombiniert mit weißem Top
Harem Pants Golden Ornaments
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der schwarzen Haremshose mit ElefantenmusterLächelnde Frau in der schwarzen Haremshose mit Elefantenmuster
Harem Pants Black Elephant
+3 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
NEULONG VERSIONHarem Pants Magnificent Sea of ​​Flowers Long VersionHarem Pants Magnificent Sea of ​​Flowers Long Version
Harem pants rose blossom pinkHarem pants rose blossom pink
Harem pants rose blossom pink
Sale price47,99 €
Harem pants WhiteHarem pants White
Harem pants White
+9 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONFrontalansicht der langen Haremshose mit türkisem MusterLächelnde Frau kombiniert Türkise Haremshose mit weißem Top
Harem Pants Turquoise Ornaments Long Version
+3 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der einfarbigen Haremshose in OzeanblauFrau kombiniert Haremshose in Ozeanblau mit weißem Top
Harem Pants Ocean Blue
+9 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
SHORT VERSIONFrontalansicht der kurzen Haremshose in DunkelblauSeitenansicht der kurzen Haremshose in Dunkelblau
Harem Pants Blue Short Version
+4 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der einfarbigen Haremshose in BraunLachende Frau mit Hut trägt Haremshose in Braun
Harem Pants Brown
+9 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der Haremshose in der Farbe Blau mit silbernem MusterSeitliche Rückansicht eines lächelnden Models, welches die Haremshose in der Farbe Blau mit silbernem Muster
Harem Pants Blue Breeze
+7 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontansicht der Haremshose in RosaLachende Frau in der Haremshose in Rosa, kombiniert mit weißem Oberteil
Harem Pants Pink Oasis
+7 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONHarem Pants Raspberry Red Long VersionHarem Pants Raspberry Red Long Version
Harem Pants Raspberry Red Long Version
+4 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
NEULONG VERSIONHarem Pants Rose Quartz Long VersionHarem Pants Rose Quartz Long Version
Harem Pants Rose Quartz Long Version
+4 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Harem Pants Old RoseHarem Pants Old Rose
Harem Pants Old Rose
Sale price47,99 €
NEUHarem pants wildflowerHarem pants wildflower
Harem pants wildflower
+2 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
SHORT VERSIONHaremshose Schwarzer Morgentau Short Version close-up von vorneFrau in Haremshose Schwarzer Morgentau von vorne
Harem Pants Black Morning Dew Short Version
Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONFrontalansicht der langen Haremshose mit dunklem MusterLächelnde Frau kombiniert schwarze Haremshose mit schwarzem Top
Harem Pants Black Morning Dew Long Version
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der lilanen Haremshose mit PfauenaugenmusterLachende Frau in lilaner Haremshose mit Pfauenaugenmuster kombiniert mit weißem Oberteil und Strohhut
Harem Pants Purple Peacock Eye
+5 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der gemusterten Haremshose in den Farben Dunkelblau und GrauStehende Frau trägt gemusterte Haremshose in den Farben Dunkelblau und Grau
Harem Pants Dark blue morning dew
+4 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der gemusterten Haremshose in der Farbe LilaLachende Frau in der gemusterten Haremshose in der Farbe Lila, kombiniert mit weißem Oberteil
Harem pants purple feather dress
+7 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONFrontalansicht der langen Haremshose in gemusterten Beige- und BlautönenSeitenansicht der langen Haremshose in gemusterten Beige- und Blautönen
Harem Pants Aquarelle Mandala Long Version
+3 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
SHORT VERSIONFrontalansicht Haremshose Orientalischer Vulkan Short Version Seitenansicht Haremshose Orientalischer Vulkan Short Version
Harem Pants Oriental Volcano Short Version
+3 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der gemusterten Haremshose in den Farben Lila und GrünLachende Frau in gemusterten Haremshose in den Farben Lila und Grün, kombiniert mit weißem Oberteil
Harem Pants Arctic Flower Temple
+4 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der roten Haremshose mit PfauenaugenmusterLachende Frau in roter Haremshose mit Pfauenaugenmuster, kombiniert mit weißem Oberteil
Harem Pants Red Peacock Eye
+5 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Haremshose Orientalische Lava - paighLachende Frau in Haremshose Orientalische Lava, kombiniert mit weißem Oberteil
Harem Pants Oriental Lava
+5 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
Frontalansicht der Haremshose in violetten FarbenFrau in der Haremshose mit violetten Farben, kombiniert mit weißem Oberteil
Harem Pants Rosy Mandala
+6 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
NEULONG VERSIONHarem Pants Saffron Yellow Long VersionHarem Pants Saffron Yellow Long Version
Harem Pants Saffron Yellow Long Version
+4 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONHarem Pants Mint Green Long VersionHarem Pants Mint Green Long Version
Harem Pants Mint Green Long Version
+4 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONHarem pants sky blue long versionHarem pants sky blue long version
Harem pants sky blue long version
+4 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONFrontalansicht lange Haremshose Blauer Tempeltraum close-up Frau in langer Haremshose Blauer Tempeltraum von vorne
Harem pants Blue Temple Dream Long Version
+3 Farben
Sale price49,99 €
LONG VERSIONFrontalansicht der langen Haremshose mit dunkeltürkisem MusterLächelnde Frau kombiniert Türkise Haremshose mit weißem Top
Harem Pants Turquoise Mandala Long Version
+3 Farben
Sale price47,99 €
LONG VERSIONFrontalansicht der langen Haremshose in grauen MusterFrontalansicht der langen Haremshose in grauen Muster
Harem Pants Boulderfields Long Version
Sale price47,99 €

Hippie pants - your airy companion

It's summer, the temperatures are rising and you're looking for some breezy pants? We at paigh have the solution: Our summer hippie pants for men and women will keep you comfortable all year round.

At paigh, we don't just focus on trends, but above all on the individual expression of your personality. Our hippie pants are the epitome of comfortable and fairly produced clothing and reflect your commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

What are hippie pants? Hippie pants, also known as Harem pants or Goa pants, are the epitome of 70s clothing. They are characterised by their airy cut, wide leg, flowing fabric and vibrant colours. These pants are a statement of freedom, self-expression and love of nature. They are so much more than just clothing - they are a way of life.

Find out what the term hippies stands for, what moved them and how this attitude affects comfortable, airy pants.

A trip back to the hippie era: the 60s and 70s

The hippie movement of the 60s and 70s had a lasting impact on the world. Everything revolved around values ​​such asPeace, love and freedom. Topics that are just as important today as they were then. The hippies were also pioneers in terms ofEnvironmental protection and closeness to natureThese values ​​are still reflected in the fashion of this movement today.

The hippie movement began in the USA in the 1960s and quickly spread around the world. It was a reaction against the conformity of society at the time and advocated peace, love and freedom. The hippies woreeye-catching clothing, which expressed their rejection of the mainstream. Their fashion was colorful, lively and often decorated with ethnic patterns. Eye-catching patterns and colors were an expression of rebellion against conservative suits and business clothes. Floral patterns, mandalas and lively motifs clearly showed who belonged to theFlower Power Movement“Make Love Not War” was one of the most important mottos of the hippie movement.

The love of nature was shown in ethnic patterns that were meant to say: We are connected to nature and human values. They especially loved Mexican and Peruvian motifs and natural materials such as cotton, natural fibers and stones as accessories. Broken clothes were not thrown away, but mended, sewn, patched or simply worn with holes and tears.

We also want to pass on this attitude to life. But thanks to the long-lasting but sustainableviscose, you will rarely have to mend the pants unless you really want to. But we promise that our Goa pants are high quality, sustainable and colorful.

Different types of harem pants: find your style

People are so different, which is why we make sure that you find exactly the pants that meet your expectations. Becauseevery body is beautifuland deserves the right clothing. That is why we offer a wide range ofHippie Pantsto highlight your personal style. From wide harem pants to slimmer cuts and high-waisted pants, you'll find the perfect fit for you.

  • Harem pants:Airy, comfortable pants are a trademark of the boho style. They are incredibly pleasant on the skin and offer a casual elegance. Perfect for relaxed days on the beach or cozy evenings at home. Thanks to their comfortable fit and wide legs, they are never annoying and always offer you full freedom of movement. A high-quality elastic waistband prevents them from slipping and their cheerful colors put you in a double good mood.
  • Slim hippie pants:If you like it a little slimmer, these pants are a great choice. They hug your legs and accentuate your silhouette. Ideal for yoga, pilates or an active lifestyle.

Bloomers:Featuring a loose fit and elasticated ankle cuffs, these pants are a versatile piece that can be worn both casually and dressed up.

Fashion tips for hippie pants:

  • Pattern mix:Don't be afraid to combine different patterns. Unusual colors put you in a good mood. But you can also create great creations with inconspicuous items of clothing. Hippie pants are perfect for the mix-and-match style. For example, wear patterned pants with a printed top. The boho style thrives on creativity. If you prefer something a little simpler, choose colorful pants and plain T-shirts, tops or hoodies for the colder season.
  • Accessories:Use accessories such as colorful scarves, ethnic jewelry and fringe bags to give your look a special touch. Large sunglasses and a flower wreath in your hair complete the hippie look. Practically all natural materials such as feathers, stones, wood and shells are suitable as jewelry or accessories.
  • Natural tones:If you prefer something simple, choose hippie pants in earth tones like brown, beige or olive green. These are timeless and can be combined in many ways with colorful scarves, necklaces or hair shawls.

Tops:Wear loose blouses, crop tops or tunics with your hippie pants. The boho style thrives on casual tops that underline the relaxed atmosphere.

Hippie pants: clothing for everyone

The great thing about hippie pants is that they can be worn byWomen, men and children and are therefore incredibly versatile. Children can play, romp and relax freely without the pants pinching or slipping. At the same time, the pants put them in a good mood thanks to their bright colours.

Men can choose darker colours if they wish. Pants with dark patterns are still colourful, but still covered. Depending on their taste, men can wear muscle shirts, normal T-shirts or hippie waistcoats and the hippie look is perfect.

Lightweight hippie pants - what is viscose?

Natural viscoseis a material that is often used for Goa pants. It is a synthetic fiber that is obtained from natural cellulose.viscoseis particularly breathable and pleasant on the skin. It has the advantage that it can be easily printed and dyed, which means that a wide range of patterns and colors are possible. This makes our pants particularly colorful and bright.

Care of hippie pants made of viscose

Viscose pants areeasy-care. It is best to wash them with a low spin speed in theGentle wash cycleyour washing machine. Let the pantsair dryto maintain the quality. Especially in summer, your favorite pants will be ready to be worn again in no time. Viscose can shrink slightly when washed, so it is advisable to follow the care instructions on the label.

The difference between viscose and cotton

Viscose often feelslighter and coolerthan pants made of strong cotton. It is particularlybreathableand therefore perfect for warm days. Cotton, on the other hand, is more robust and wrinkles less. Both materials have their advantages and are suitable for different occasions and seasons.

Our viscose comeswithout petroleum and pesticidesIn addition, no one has to harvest the viscose because it is produced gently by machine. This is why we can guarantee that no one is exploited to make our pants. We at paigh stand by this with our word.


Hippie pants are not just a fashionable garment, but an expression of Freedom, individuality and sustainability. Their loose fit offers unbeatable comfort while being versatile and stylish. The history of hippie pants dates back to the 60s and 70s, when the hippie movement propagatedPeace, love and freedom

Today, these pants are a timeless expression of this attitude to life and fit perfectly with modern values such asSustainability and environmental awareness. Women and men alike can benefit from their comfort, freedom of movement and unique style. With a wide range of cuts, materials, colours and patterns, hippie pants offer a canvas for creative expression and individual style. Whether for everyday wear, festivals or sporting activities, Goa pants are a great choice for anyone who values comfort, style and sustainability.