Minimalismus-Gewohnheiten, mit denen du heute starten kannst Skip to content


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Article: 5 minimalism habits to start with today!

5 Minimalismus-Gewohnheiten, mit denen du heute starten kannst! | paigh | Fair & gemütlich

5 minimalism habits to start with today!

There is always talk of minimalism these days and it may be that you get to the point where you ask yourself whether it isn't something for you too. When you hear about this lifestyle, it always sounds very nice but also somehow really tiring and like a lot of work. Does that actually suit me? Or does it just sound tempting because it's trendy?
Especially when you approach this matter in a new way, exactly these questions can arise. That's why I'd like to break down the topic today so that you can get simple and concrete tips. They should help you integrate minimalism into your everyday life without having to mutate into a hardcore minimalist.
The minimalism habits that will be discussed today will bring you closer to the essence of what minimalism is and what it stands for.

So, without further ado: let’s get started with the 5 minimalism habits you can start today!

1. Clean up every evening

Cleaning up can be annoying. It's often the case that I spend more time getting upset about the chaos at home than I actually need to simply clean up. If you don't have much time in the morning or just don't know what to wear, you suddenly find yourself with dishes piling up in the sink or half your wardrobe on the bed.

What helps is to clean up every evening. Put all loose items back where they belong. Admittedly, this is easier for me as a student in a studio apartment than for a mother or a homeowner. But for me, tidying up in the evening makes a big difference. Then I know everything I own and interacting with the objects makes me appreciate them more. It also makes you realize what you might have to buy again or that you only move something from right to left and don't actually need it. In a way, it also forces you to deal with these things now and not put them off. If stuff accumulates and is postponed, you don't have to worry about it at that moment. But then you have more work to do later.

2. Decision aids: visualization and self-interrogation

That sounds intentionally dramatic because it makes it easy for me to remember these two points.
A while ago, especially when it came to clothing, I simply bought whatever I thought was nice (assuming I could afford it, of course). This has filled my closet with stuff that I rarely wore. That's why I've gotten into the habit of keeping two things in mind when buying:

The first is visualization. I imagine the item of clothing in my wardrobe and think about whether it fits with the rest of my clothes and how I can combine it.

The second is self-interrogation. I simply ask myself critically: Am I really wearing this? When and for what occasions do I wear it? Do I already have a very similar item of clothing? Is it worth the money? Maybe I just want to buy this because I think it will make me feel better? Or is the item of clothing really of any use to me?

These considerations will help you shop more consciously and be more pleased with the things you ultimately buy. Because you know they benefit you.

Minimalismus-Gewohnheiten: freie und aufgeräumte Oberfläche im der eigenen Wohnung


3. Challenge yourself: The Free Surface Challenge

This little experiment is great for you if you'd like to explore the world of minimalism but don't know exactly how to go about it - or if you just want a bit of a change from the more usual minimalism habits . First, think about a time period for your challenge. This could be a week, a month, or even longer. Try to leave all surfaces in your home empty during this time. To start, clean up all of your surfaces and find places where you can store all of the items for this period. It's not about not being able to use things anymore, but about getting an idea of ​​what it feels like to live in a very tidy and free space. How does it feel to live with less? How does it feel to have less standing on my surfaces?

Once your allotted time period is over, you may only want to put half of the original things back on the surfaces. Or at least you think more consciously about what you have lying around. The problem with humans is that we get used to something very quickly and no longer really notice things that have been in the same place for a long time. Our brain switches on autopilot as much as possible so that we have enough free capacity to devote ourselves to the things that are important at the moment. That's why many things become a kind of background noise, which eventually gets louder and louder.

With the challenge we can play a little trick on our brain and question ourselves whether what we own is really necessary. It's worth giving it a try!

4. Origin Stories

Another way to get to know your own purchasing behavior and habits better and thus better establish minimalism habits is to ask about the origin story of objects. Look at items you have at home. Then ask yourself: How did this item get here? Did I just buy this because it was on sale? Did I just think it was cool for a few months or do I still like it? Do I just not want to give it away because I paid money for it?

So many of our possessions have an origin story that goes along these lines. That's why you should regularly ask yourself: Does this object have meaning for me? Do I like him? Do I associate it with a beautiful event?
The items for which we answer these questions with a “yes” are welcome to stay. But we don't need the things that we have just for the sake of having. Because in the end they just clutter up our home. 

5. Decluttering is not a one-time thing

Minimalism is not a one-time event where you go through your apartment and clear out.

It is an ongoing thing, an attitude and has a lot to do with mindset. It not only has an impact on your own behavior in everyday life and in the online world, but also in terms of your own purchasing behavior. Your own attitude towards and relationship to your own possessions also changes. You become more aware of what you have and appreciate it more.

So be careful, be determined and enjoy the objects in your life more again. 

Do you know any more minimalism habits? Share them with us in the comments. 

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