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Tofu Gericht

How sustainable is tofu?

Tofu Gericht

How sustainable is tofu?

“Tofu is no better than meat because rainforests have to be cut down to make it.” Does this sentence sound familiar to you? The argument is often used when it comes to the “omnivore vs. plant-based...

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marinierter Tofu Zutaten für Miso Suppe

How is tofu made?

We all like it best marinated in a spicy way: our tofu, which is sometimes also called “bean curd”. Whether it's smoked tofu, silken tofu, tofu blocks, slices or cubes - the selection is getting b...

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Nächtlicher Heißhunger? Was du dagegen tun kannst

Nighttime cravings? What you can do about it

Food cravings are nothing unusual. Especially for people who normally stay awake for a long time, the feeling of hunger usually returns a few hours after dinner. Evening hunger pangs often lead to ...

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Honig Alternative auf Waffeln vegan

5 delicious honey alternatives

Honey is probably the most popular sweetener next to refined sugar. Those who follow a vegan diet usually avoid honey and use alternatives. But it's also worth trying the various honey alternative...

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Honig in einem Glas

Is honey vegan?

Honey comes from bees. We all know that. But how exactly is honey made and isn't it actually safe to eat honey because the bees produce it one way or another? Today we want to get to the bottom of ...

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Gespräche über Veganismus – Warum sie immer eskalieren und was du als Veganer:in dagegen tun kannst

Conversations about veganism - why they always escalate and what you as a vegan can do about it

It's clear to you that you want to eat a vegan diet? Great, then everything is fine! ... If it weren't for the direct environment with people who don't think anything of your purely plant-based die...

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Lebensmittel und Gemüse einkaufen im Supermarkt

Shopping for groceries – 7 tips

Going grocery shopping can be quite an ordeal: yet another chore to complete. For others, weekly shopping or searching for the best deals is almost a hobby. No matter how you feel about grocery sho...

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Gesund essen: Wenn die Motivation fehlt

Eating healthy: When motivation is lacking

We all know that we should drink more, eat less sweets, more vegetables and fruit, or even cook fresh food more often. Because all of this contributes to a healthy diet and lifestyle. But even thou...

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veganes Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Vegan Grilled Cheese Sandwich – food for the soul (recipe)

Melting cheese... That makes my heart soar! Especially when it comes to “cheese” without any animal ingredients. Today we are making a vegan “grilled cheese sandwich” that will definitely warm you...

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Herzhaftes Porridge Risotto mit Pilzen vegan Rezept paigh

Hearty porridge: mushroom “risotto” with oat flakes and spring onions (recipe – vegan)

Oatmeal, also known as porridge, oatmeal or gruel, is my absolute favorite breakfast. Because I like my breakfast warm, nutritious and – sweet. That's why I didn't try hearty porridge for a long ti...

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