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Article: Food for blemished skin

Lebensmittel gegen unreine Haut | paigh | Fair & gemütlich

Food for blemished skin

A healthy diet is important to protect our bodies and organs. And this also includes our largest organ – our skin.
“Bad skin”, as we say, can have a variety of causes: genes, PMS, stress… But poor nutrition can also affect the condition of our skin. It is therefore worth taking a look at the foods that are good for our skin.
Regular consumption of the foods suggested here for blemished skin will not be a panacea. But it can make a bigger difference than you might initially think.
Let's get started!


If common arguments for consuming walnuts (such as protecting the cardiovascular system, slowing cancer growth, or promoting mental performance) aren't enough for you, you might be convinced by the fact that walnuts protect the skin. Valuable ingredients such as vitamin B6 and E, zinc and antioxidants ensure that your skin remains supple and soft. 

As a “brain food” for snacking, in bread, cakes, yoghurt, porridge or savory recipes - the walnut is incredibly diverse.


Similar to the walnut, the avocado contains many vitamins, minerals and, above all, healthy, unsaturated fatty acids. These are good for skin, hair and health. It provides the skin with moisture and the “vitamin cocktail” of the avocado protects our cells and therefore has an “anti-aging” effect, as they say.
Unfortunately, growing avocados that come from America requires a lot of water (approx. 1000 liters per kilo!). In addition, their transport route is of course correspondingly long, which does not necessarily make the avocado a sustainable or environmentally friendly superfood. Avocados grown in the EU with an organic seal represent a more conscious alternative.

Fun Fact: The avocado is not a vegetable, but a fruit! From a botanical point of view, the avocado tree belongs to the laurel family and its fruits are therefore classified as berries!

Sunflower seeds

The kernels contain important nutrients. Among other things, vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant for the skin. Antioxidants protect cells from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress causes the skin to age faster - and is a contributing cause of diseases such as arthritis, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Sunflower seeds also contain selenium, magnesium and protein. Selenium and protein fight wrinkles and magnesium lowers stress levels. The most popular ways to incorporate sunflower seeds into your diet are baked into bread or as a “crunchy” component in salad.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes also contain a whole lot of vitamin E, which we already know protects cells and moisturizes the skin. In addition, the sweet potato scores points (when it comes to skin) thanks to another important component: the health-promoting provitamin beta-carotene acts like a kind of natural sun protection and can thus protect our skin from sun damage. However, good old sunscreen certainly cannot replace sweet potatoes .
Incidentally, the beta-carotene can best be used by our body when the sweet potato is cooked in a little fat.
Here, too, there are numerous preparation options: in the form of fries, as baked potatoes, chips or the classic side dish. My tip: Bake the sweet potato in the oven with coconut oil and cinnamon until soft and then enjoy it in a salad. Surprisingly different and super delicious!


Tomatoes are quite similar to sunflower seeds in terms of their effect on the skin. They contain the carotenoid lycopene, which prevents oxidative stress. Like the sweet potato, the tomato also protects against harmful UV radiation. Skin damage and premature aging can be reduced by consuming tomatoes.
By the way, you can also put tomato slices on your skin (in addition to the classic cucumber slices)! This was actually done in the thirties...

Frau mit klarer Haut schaut lächelnd zur Seite
Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash


Who would have thought that broccoli, of all things, was a food for blemished skin? I have to admit that broccoli wasn't really on my radar before I started researching this topic. However, if you know what great nutrients and ingredients broccoli has, it's hardly surprising: vitamins A, C and E provide the skin with moisture and ensure healthy, firm skin in the long term. In addition, the antioxidants fight destructive free radicals and thus also protect us from diseases.
Reason enough for me to include broccoli florets in my dinner today!


We already know that antioxidants and vitamins have a positive effect on our skin. And peppers also contain these important substances, including beta-carotene and vitamin C. Vitamin C is necessary to produce collagen; a structural protein that strengthens our skin and keeps it young. Personally, I like peppers raw, dipped in hummus. But peppers are also always a healthy, colorful component in vegetable pans, sauces or salads. 

Green tea

We all know the beneficial effects of green tea. Our skin is also a big friend of green tea because the many minerals and vitamins promote our skin health. But it goes even further: the plant's chlorophyll has a skin-refreshing effect and reduces redness. The caffeine dehydrates and tightens the skin. In addition to the antioxidant effect of green tea, its anti-inflammatory effect is also interesting. It helps against contact eczema and acne. 

By the way, green tea can also be used to make soothing steam baths, peelings or face masks! You can find lots of suggestions and recipes on Google and Pinterest. 


Last but not least, water cannot be missing from this list. Water is essential to us for a variety of reasons, one of which is the health of our skin. Even the slightest dehydration can make our skin look dry and tired.
My skin has also taken on a completely new, fresh glow since I made sure to always drink enough.
First of all, a big glass of water! 

If you liked this article about foods for blemished skin or would like to find out more about the topics of healthy eating, mindfulness or sustainability, take a look here over.

Tasse mit grünem Tee als Lebensmittel gegen unreine Haut
Photo by Jia Ye on Unsplash

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