Water, please! - What our body needs water for
Anyone who knows me knows that I have become a real water advocate. I was the biggest drinker all my life! Unfortunately, in those around me I often observe that many people drink too little (water). For this reason, it is a personal concern of mine to address this matter here.
Do you also drink enough?
I've been hearing this question from my father since I was little. As a doctor, he knows how important it is to drink enough fluids. It has always been difficult for me to get the recommended amount every day. I just never felt thirsty and always wondered why some people managed to drink enough every day so effortlessly. Only when I started to think more about the topic and understood why water is so important for our bodies did I actively try to drink enough water.
I now drink at least two liters of water a day and feel dehydrated inside if I drink less than that. A lot of my “problems” such as dry skin, chronic fatigue or difficulty concentrating have almost disappeared into thin air since then. Of course, the abilities and condition of the body and mind are always an interplay of activities, routines and lifestyles. Therefore, I cannot say exactly how much the adequate fluid intake really contributed to the improvement of the “symptoms”. But I have the feeling that she made one of the greatest contributions. If you look at what the body needs water for, it explains a lot...
Why does the body need water?
Water not only quenches our thirst, but above all ensures that our body functions properly.
First of all, our body in adulthood consists of around 60% water and therefore serves as a building material. Without water, the body could neither repair cells nor produce new ones. The trace elements and minerals contained in water are important building blocks for bones and tissue.
In addition, water has a transport function. Our blood consists of around 90% water and transports oxygen, hormones and nutrients to our organs and cells. These transports are essential so that the substances can have an effect where they are needed.
The ability of water to function as a temperature regulator should not be underestimated. As you probably know, the optimal body temperature for humans is 36-37 degrees Celsius. For example, if we are sick or doing sports, this temperature rises. In order to get back to normal, our body sweats. Sweat has a cooling effect on our skin and is mostly made of what? Of course from water. This is also why it is important to drink enough water - otherwise our bodies would dry out.
But that was not all…
Many of the substances that we consume through our food (such as sugar or vitamins) can only develop their effects when they react with H2O, i.e. with water.
Last but not least, water serves as a diluent. Water has an influence on all of our body fluids. For example, it determines their consistency. Our body fluids can perform their functions better when they are more liquid - i.e. contain more water. If we are dehydrated, our blood becomes thicker and therefore flows more slowly. Important substances no longer reach their destinations as quickly and this in turn affects our body's performance. When you become dehydrated, you can no longer excrete enough toxins and metabolic waste products because the body does not have enough water to flush through. For this reason, it is important to drink plenty of water, especially when you are sick.
How much water should I drink?
You can find a wide variety of information on the Internet. Some people believe that 1 litre of water per day is enough. Others swear that at least 3 litres of water per day are necessary to ensure that the body functions properly. German Nutrition Society recommends drinking about 1.5 liters of water per day as a guideline. Of course, this also depends on factors such as age, climate, weight, physical exertion or living conditions (for example, breastfeeding mothers should drink more).
By the way, our body excretes around 1 liter of water per day in urine. 0.5 liters are lost through sweat and half a liter is also excreted through our breathing...
In the second part of this article I talk about the effects dehydration can have on our bodies and minds. I'll also share a few tips with you on how to turn heavy drinking into a habit.
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