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Article: The Power of Journaling (Part 2) - How Does Journaling Work?

Die Kraft des Journaling (Teil 2) – Wie funktioniert Journaling? | paigh | Fair & gemütlich

The Power of Journaling (Part 2) - How Does Journaling Work?

Journaling can be a very magical tool that helps you to gradually build up your desired reality, reflect on yourself and develop a positive mindset. In the first part of this mini-series we discussed what exactly a journal is. Today we will look at how exactly journaling works.

What do I need for journalism?

Basically, all you need is a notebook and a pen. The notebook can be lined, checked, dotted, or blank. How big, small, thick or thin it is, is also up to you. The most important thing is that you have fun with the book and that you like to pick it up and look at it. You must like it. The same goes for the pen. Choose one that you like to write with. You might also want to get a pen especially for your journal.

Of course you can also keep your journal on your PC or mobile phone. However, I strongly recommend that you keep your journal handwritten. Writing by hand has a much stronger effect than typing on a keyboard.

If you are overwhelmed by a completely empty journal and would like some guidance or guidance on your path - I have good news for you! There are many wonderful journals with "ready-made" pages where you can find inspiration and exercises.

My top 3 journals are the 6-minute-diary (for those who don't have that much time), the CLARITY calendar (with which you can carefully plan your everyday life - there is also a less extensive version of this, the CLARITY journal), and the Rise-Up-And-Shine-Journal (the more spiritual version, beautifully designed with many impulses).

How do I proceed?

Again, there are no fixed rules. Some people like to fill several pages in the morning right after waking up, others write down in headwords what they are grateful for, and still others answer the same specific questions every evening. Find out what suits you and what you feel most comfortable with. After all, journalism should not feel like another obligation. You should enjoy it!

Most people integrate journalism into their morning routine. This makes a lot of sense because then you can start the day with a positive energy. If you organize your thoughts a bit early in the morning and focus on pleasant things, it will have a positive effect on your whole day. It is best to spend 5-30 minutes in the morning for your journaling routine. It's insanely worth getting up a little earlier for this!
The 5-30 minutes are of course only a rough guide. Especially in the beginning you should just observe how much time you need. Some people prefer to formulate sentences and take their time to think. Others prefer to write down key points or their thoughts quickly - everything is allowed here!

Person schreibt in einem Café in ein Journal
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash

What do I write about?

I hate to repeat myself, but again, there is no right or wrong. The important thing, as I explained earlier, is that you focus on the positive. Nevertheless, I would like to give you a few suggestions, which are also often found in the "ready-made" journals:

1. Gratefulness.. the key to a happy life! When you become aware of everything that is already in your life, a pleasant feeling spreads within you and you are automatically in a better mood. You no longer experience yourself and your life situation as deficient, but as fulfilled. By the way, it does not matter whether you write down big or small things for which you are grateful

2. Intentions and affirmations..

...are guiding principles that will carry you through your day. An affirmation is a short, positive and in the present formulated statement of faith (e.g. "I am enough"/"I am fulfilled"/"Every cell of my body is doing well"). It is important that the affirmation resonates with you and affirms you. An intention is a statement of intent that is also formulated in the present. It is about what you want to focus on that day. Examples of intentions can be: "I focus on my strengths." / "I achieve my goals with ease". "
You can set affirmations and intentions in the morning and repeat them in your mind throughout the day. They help you to think positively about yourself and create a focus.

3. Successes..

...are important to show us what we have already accomplished. We are often very hard on ourselves and criticize each other much more often than we praise. If you realize every day what you have achieved, this not only strengthens your self-confidence but also reflects your progress. A success can be so small and yet significant. You are not only successful when you prepare a presentation, pass an exam or win a new client. Success can also be when you have drunk enough or spoken positively to yourself

4. Goals.. write down is also very powerful. Many people formulate their goals as if they had already happened or had come true (e.g. "I work at my dream job as...") / "I meditate every day" / "I lead a fulfilling relationship that looks so-and-so"). This leads your subconscious mind to think that these things are already reality and this in turn helps you to make things happen. You have a positive attitude towards your goals and believe in your creative power. Because as said in the last post - you become what you think about every day!

In my opinion, journalism is justifiably a trend topic. It helps us stay positive and focus on what is important to us. It also improves our mood and creates a pleasant start to the day. It's worth giving it a try.

Do it your way. Do not put yourself under pressure. Make yourself comfortable with a cup of tea, candles or relaxing music. Allow time for yourself and your thoughts. And most important of all, have fun

If you want to learn more about mindfulness, healthy eating or sustainability, take a look at here over.

Notizbücher liegen zusammen mit Stiften, einem Kristall und Blumen auf einem Tisch
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

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