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„Liebe mich dann am meisten, wenn ich es am wenigsten verdient habe, denn dann brauche ich es am nötigsten."

"Love me most when I least deserve it, because that's when I need it most."

„Liebe mich dann am meisten, wenn ich es am wenigsten verdient habe, denn dann brauche ich es am nötigsten."
Familie und Schwangerschaft

"Love me most when I least deserve it, because that's when I need it most."

Quote from Helen Keller. "My daughter (8) is freaking out." Another day where I wonder what I did wrong. What's more, I'm sure I just did everything wrong. She acts like her family is the w...

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Familie sitzt im Garten zusammen am Tisch beim nachhaltig Essen
Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit

Sustainable nutrition – this is how it works

We eat three to five times a day. If you add up shopping, food storage and cooking, a lot of environmental emissions are created. Today we're talking about the basics of sustainable nutrition. T...

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zwei Kinder ziehen Grimassen
Familie und Schwangerschaft

What we wanted to hear from our parents... when we turned out differently than they wanted us to.

When you were born I was blown away I think I found myself flying somewhere else I was drunk, honestly. Didn't know what to say anymore, I was unplugged, so to speak But with one hundred...

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Frau meditiert mit geschlossenen Augen
Spiritualität und Achtsamkeit

How 3 years of meditation changed me (Part 1)

Almost every day for the last three years, I sat on the floor, a chair, or my meditation cushion for a few minutes - in silence. How I came to meditation and how I practice meditation. I was qui...

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Person wandert durch eine grüne Landschaft
Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit

What it means to live a sustainable life

Is it enough if I pay attention to the regional origin of food or do I have to be vegan, live zero waste and support myself in order to lead a truly sustainable life? What is part of a sustainable ...

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Schwangere Frau läuft beim Sonnenuntergang am Strand entlang
Familie und Schwangerschaft

Birth – a slightly different kind of encouragement

This article was originally supposed to be about the “individually perfect birth”. It should serve as an inspiration for you as a reader to visualize the type of birth that suits you most, that bes...

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familie am strand bei sonnenuntergang
Familie und Schwangerschaft

Creating family life around a deeper meaning

Most families in our western society today are formed based on an initially romanticized idea of ​​security, cohesion and common ground. Humans are herd animals. We want to belong, to be part of a...

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Beziehung stärken: Paar fährt zusammen Fahrrad bei Sonnenuntergang
Spiritualität und Achtsamkeit

The 5 languages ​​of love – strengthen & refresh relationships

Every now and then it happens that in conversations with others you completely talk past each other. However, this happens much more often on a relationship level than on a linguistic level. Becau...

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Mutter und Kind schmusen und geben sich Sicherheit
Familie und Schwangerschaft

Giving children security in turbulent times

Security - an essential basic feeling for each of us when it comes to building healthy development and reliable relationships. At its core, security is what our entire lives revolve around. Whateve...

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Essen ohne Hunger: Frau beißt in einen Burger

Do you eat even though you're not hungry? – 5 tips

Fridge open, fridge closed again... A snack here, a second helping there... Sometimes we eat even though we're not actually hungry. Here you can find out what you can do to prevent this. Why d...

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