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Mönch läuft durch ein Kloster

Mantras & Affirmations – What is the difference and how can I use them for myself?

Mönch läuft durch ein Kloster
Spiritualität und Achtsamkeit

Mantras & Affirmations – What is the difference and how can I use them for myself?

Short sentences that have a big impact - affirmations and mantras are particularly found in meditation and yoga as well as in spiritual teachings. But even if you don't have much to do with these a...

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Frau sitzt im Schneidersitz am Strand auf einem Felsen
Familie und Schwangerschaft

Connectedness in the bigger picture

Monday morning, 7 a.m. I just woke up, not thirty seconds later my son is sitting in the middle of my bed and starts talking nonstop. I answer mechanically and look out the window. Can't think of a...

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Person schaut auf ihr Handy – Eltern am Handy
Familie und Schwangerschaft

Parents on the cell phone – understand instead of condemning

Always this cell phone Do you know that - you have a family, children, a lot to do and always complain about a lack of time - and you find yourself on your smartphone in many moments of the day...

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 mit minimalismus geld sparen: baum wächst aus münzenberg
Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit

How you can save money using minimalism

Minimalism = fewer possessions = less spending? Yes and no. In most cases the equation is not that simple. If you want to save money, you can start at many different levels. Principles of a minima...

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Frau mit Blumenkrone lächelt: Positives Mindset
Spiritualität und Achtsamkeit

3 habits for a positive everyday life

A positive everyday life begins in our heads. Today I'm introducing you to three habits that you can use to strengthen your mindset and achieve real change. How thoughts shape our lives Anythi...

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schwangere Frau hält ihren Bauch – schwanger was jetzt
Familie und Schwangerschaft

Help, I'm pregnant! And now?! A text for everyone who has decided to get pregnant - and is happy and scared at the same time.

The test strip in your hand speaks a clear language. Trembling inside, you watched as the second stripe appeared on the horizon of the tiny window, completely changing the view of your world from ...

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Kinder als Spiegel
Familie und Schwangerschaft

Our children as mirrors

An event At noon, 12:30 p.m., I have just picked up my two children from school and kindergarten. We chug along towards home in the car, chattering happily, the radio playing, the children lookin...

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Person hält sich Glas Strohhalme ans Ohr wie ein Telefon
Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit

Plastic-free Fridays – A conclusion to the June challenge

Here on our blog we started a “Plastic Free Fridays” challenge in June . Every Friday, the use of single-use plastic should be avoided as much as possible. How well or poorly it worked in my case a...

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Mit Eiersatz backen

The perfect egg substitute – with a printable table

Chicken eggs are used in cooking and baking, among other things, for binding, loosening and thickening. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives for those who want to avoid eggs. It is now chi...

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zwei Personen sitzen bei einem Kaffee beieinander
Spiritualität und Achtsamkeit

Dealing with loneliness – tips & exercises

Loneliness can affect anyone. Feeling alone, even when you are with people, is not a nice feeling. Loneliness can become chronic, be associated with social isolation and have physical and psycholog...

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