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Honig in einem Glas

Is honey vegan?

Honig in einem Glas

Is honey vegan?

Honey comes from bees. We all know that. But how exactly is honey made and isn't it actually safe to eat honey because the bees produce it one way or another? Today we want to get to the bottom of ...

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zwei Menschen sitzen mit einem Hund auf dem Bett und führen tiefe Gespräche
Spiritualität und Achtsamkeit

40 inspiring questions for deep conversations - creating fulfilling connections

Regardless of whether you just met or have been friends for years: sometimes you want to go deeper. These 40 questions will help you reflect, get to know each other (even better) and share moments ...

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Vater und Mutter halten Ultraschallbild in den Händen
Familie und Schwangerschaft

Pregnancy – contact with your child in the womb

During your pregnancy you will surely encounter again and again the deep desire to be able to be very close to your child right now. You wish you could cuddle it and kiss it and look into its eyes...

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Weizen Feld
Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit

Regionality – What does that actually mean?

Supermarkets are increasingly advertising “local food”. But what does regional mean in this context? And is the label “regional” linked to certain requirements? That's exactly what we want to find...

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Gespräche über Veganismus – Warum sie immer eskalieren und was du als Veganer:in dagegen tun kannst

Conversations about veganism - why they always escalate and what you as a vegan can do about it

It's clear to you that you want to eat a vegan diet? Great, then everything is fine! ... If it weren't for the direct environment with people who don't think anything of your purely plant-based die...

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Person liegt entspannt auf einem Felsen am Meer
Spiritualität und Achtsamkeit

5 little habits that will improve your day

Most days everything actually goes quite well - but then there is that one day when you feel like you're good for nothing. At least that's how it always feels for me. What you can do on days like t...

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unordentliches Kinderzimmer
Familie und Schwangerschaft

Diapers, nursery furniture, sling, stroller – what does my child really need?

When a child is born, a family makes all sorts of new purchases. Suddenly the apartment is filled with things that were previously completely irrelevant. Especially with the first child, many paren...

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Zuhause aufräumen
Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit

Is there constant clutter in your home? Simple & quick tidying tips

We all know that a messy environment can also lead to a mess in the mind. If we tidy up a little every day, we save a lot of time and stress on cleaning days. So today I would like to give you a f...

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Lebensmittel und Gemüse einkaufen im Supermarkt

Shopping for groceries – 7 tips

Going grocery shopping can be quite an ordeal: yet another chore to complete. For others, weekly shopping or searching for the best deals is almost a hobby. No matter how you feel about grocery sho...

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Frau macht Yoga in paigh Yoga Klamotten
Spiritualität und Achtsamkeit

30 Day Yoga Challenge – My Experiences

More exercise in everyday life; Feeling more comfortable in your own body and getting fitter: These were the goals with which I started my yoga challenge. But doing yoga every day for 30 days in a...

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